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March 24, 2020

Hello to all of our customers, friends, dealers and distributors worldwide. We hope that everyone is managing to stay positive and healthy in the current upsetting environment relating to COVID-19.

At Wyckomar, we are attempting to follow the current updated scientific information related to the virus and drinking water. In this case we have an article for you which is published by industry partner Aquatech and quoting information from WHO, EPA and others.

The upshot of the article is that municipal treated drinking water can generally be considered safe as there is no evidence of survival of COVID-19 in drinking water or wastewater plants. For those of us using private water sources including wells, bore holes etc. the article does recommend treatment equipment such as filtration and disinfection (including UV). Of course at Wyckomar, this has been our core belief since the company was founded more than 40 years ago.

This short article is both interesting and reassuring in that it helps us better understand the issue of dealing with the virus in our drinking water, and being in control of the issue can often help with our sense of security.

You can see the full article here.

As always we are happy to answer your questions about UV disinfection in water including virus and bacterial pathogens.

Please accept our best wishes from all of us at Wyckomar.

Wyckomar UV Purification Systems | 111 Malcolm Road | Guelph, ON, Canada N1K 1A8
Phone: (519) 822-1886 | Fax: (519) 763-6580 | |

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